


Interested in Word?

With the advent of the internet and the mobile phone, many consider that the level of dialogue and the written word has been devalued. But the internet has also given us access to many outlets that celebrate high quality debate and literature worldwide.

Book Festivals

Globally, authors, journalists and politicians are invited to book festivals to present their work and engage in debate with their audience. These festivals usually last a few days and are mainly much sought after, so book tickets and accommodation well in advance. Some book festivals of note are the Hay on Wye Festival, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, Sydney Writers Festival, Edinburgh International Book Festival and the Washington National Book Festival.

Travel Guides

Many people now search for travel information on line and much useful information is posted there. Wellness Begins at 40 has its own travel guides that you can download.


The most famous bard in the world still shows everyone the worth of the written and spoken word. For sheer unforgettable use of language, Shakespeare is universally unsurpassed. The reader is constantly surprised at how many Shakespearean sayings form part of the rich heritage of the English language.