

From health spas to retreats and health restaurants you can trust our independent reviews.

Interested in Reviews?

Part of the travelling experience, is the hotel you stay at or the restaurant where you dine. At Wellness Begins at 40, we have included reviews of our favourite resorts – from five-star to boutique, or perhaps a bit of glamping – as well as restaurants, bars exhibitions and even travel books. Whether it is in Asia, Europe, the Americas or back at home, we all expect a certain standard from our accommodation, and this does not reduce the older we get. So, if you want the view of our team of experts on what to expect when you check in next, then read our reviews for the inside perspective. Read all of our travel, tour and hotel reviews and articles to see what we think of a place, trip or accommodation. At Wellness Begins at 40 you can be assured to get the most impartial and expert assessment of all aspects of travel aimed at the over 4o traveller.